Classy Rascals Children’s Boutique

About Classy Rascals Children’s Boutique


Jess Horn


113 E Milwaukee St., Janesville


(608) 921-5987

Length of time downtown:

Three years as of June 2022.

Tell us about your business:

We are a children’s boutique that has children’s clothing from preemie to 8 years. We also have toys, things for new moms and all things baby.

Why did you choose to locate downtown?

I choose to open my business in our downtown as it is the heart of our town. I wanted to place my business in a part of town that felt nostalgic and supportive of one another. Shopping small supports communities and I wanted to be a part of that type of community.

What's the best thing about being downtown?

Having my business as a part of our downtown feels like I’m part of a family. We all work together on events for our community. We all work together to support one another by encouraging our customers to shop at fellow downtown businesses. We all have the same goals in mind and work together to make our downtown the best experience possible for our community.

Meet Another Downtown Business

Downtown Janesville logo

Destination Downtown Janesville is a joint project of Downtown Janesville, Inc., a volunteer-run non-profit dedicated to the activation and beautification of downtown; the Downtown Janesville Business Improvement District (BID), a public-private partnership that supports downtown economic vitality, and ARISE Now, a public-private partnership that strengthens the implementation of the City’s ARISE plan.


Downtown Janesville, Inc.
P.O. Box 8081
Janesville, WI 53547
[email protected]

Learn more about DJI

Downtown Janesville BID
20 S. Main St. Suite 11
Janesville, WI 53545
[email protected]

Learn more about BID