Friday, October 6
8:30 am – 12:00 pm
Rock County Historical Society, Carriage House
This event is FREE and open to the public.
8:30 am: Coffee in the Stone House
9:00 am: Welcome from City Manager, Kevin Lahner
9:15 am: Aesthetic Tourism Revenue presented by JACVB, Christine Rebout
9:45 am: Economic Benefits (and Resources) for Downtown Revitalization
- Presenters
- Jason Scott, Regional Economic Development Director, WEDC
- Joe Lawniczak, Downtown Design Specialist, Wisconsin Main Street/WEDC
- Preserving existing buildings and enhancing the streetscapes around them is not just for people who love historic buildings. There is an economic, social, and sustainable reason for doing so: These buildings were built of quality materials and craftsmanship and are already served by utilities; downtowns are an economic hub and reflect the character and sense of place of a community; and reusing these resources instead of tearing them down and building new requires much less natural resources or landfill space. And thankfully, there are local, state, and federal resources available to help property owners and municipalities offset some of the costs of revitalizing these existing spaces.
10:45 am: Practical Process of Creating Visual Vitality Building/Developing
- Presenters
- Gary Anderson and Ashley Sarver, Studio GWA
11:30 am: Panel Discussion
- Sean/Lindsey Kennedy, The London Inn
- Greg Hughes, Genisa Wine Bar and Jack & Jenny’s
- Todd Needham, RH Batterman
- Gary Anderson, Studio GWA
- Ashley Sarver, Studio GWA
12:00 pm: Conclusion
This event is in collaboration with RCHS, JACVB, CoJ, WEDC